Our Services - New Foundations Digital Marketing

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We sweat the small stuff for you
(As well as the big stuff)
Effective digital marketing campaigns take work. Formulating the right strategy is just the beginning. Success with digital requires an eagle eye on what’s working (and what’s not), and constant fine-tuning to get the best ROI. Often the smallest tweaks can have the biggest impact, if you know what to look for.

Here's how we do it

We’ll work with you to devise a targeted digital marketing plan, and then we’ll do whatever it takes to make it work. Our focus is on the tactics that will benefit your business the most,
taking into account your audience, objectives and other factors.

Here are our main service areas:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Get found online

Effective SEO is the foundation of sustainable digital marketing. A well-optimized site generates continuous, relevant traffic from search engines. We’ll make sure you’re doing all the right things to make your business as visible as possible online.
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Drive targeted traffic

Paid (PPC) search marketing can deliver large numbers of high quality, targeted leads to your business—fast. The secret is to find the right blend of paid search, display, remarketing and other display networks. That’s where we come in.
Tracking and analytics
Know what works

A major advantage of digital marketing is that you can track and measure almost everything—often in real time. This is not only an invaluable source of business data for your business, but it also means you can analyze results to improve ROI.
Email marketing
Nurture relationships

No, email is not dead. It’s still an effective way to nurture leads and keep your brand top of mind through their buyer’s journey. Executed correctly, targeted email campaigns can drive traffic, engage or re-engage with customers, and increase sales.
Social media marketing
Find new leads

Social media isn’t just about engagement and awareness; it can also generate leads for your business. We can put together a tailored social media strategy to help you to raise your profile and uncover opportunities.
Website optimization
Get more conversions

Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. You then need to convince them to do something, whether that’s read some content, get in touch or buy something. We can help you test and optimize your website to the nth degree.
Want to do more with digital?
Let's discuss your options and uncover the right digital approach for your business.
Get started now. Let us know how we can help.


 Paid Marketing (PPC Ads) Tracking & Analytics Conversion Optimization
 Search Engine Optimization Social Media Website Optimization

© 2018 New Foundations Digital Marketing
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